Monday, March 23, 2015

Perfect Chemistry

I read Perfect Chemistry in one day. I loved it. It was one of those "romancy" books that all guys hate and most teenage girls love. It was about a rich popular girl named Brittany, who falls in love with a sweet-hearted gang member named Alex. They both put up a facade pretending to be what everyone else wants them to be, but they finally give it up to be with each other.It pretty much is a forbidden love story king of thing like  Romeo and Juliet but I really liked it.Image result for perfect chemistry
Look at these horrible cover for the whole series. They're gross!!!!!!!!! But the story itself was really good. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

American Sniper

Right now I am halfway through reading American Sniper by Chris Kyle with Jim DeFelice and Scott McEwen. I started the book because my parents saw the movie, and they really liked it. My Stepdad loves to watch "war stuff" so when he explained the plot, I really wanted the book. I saw it at Walmart and I bought it, and sat in Subway while my mom was grocery shopping.
It follows the journey of Chris Kyle becoming a SEAL, and all the events that occurred while he was a SEAL. This book has a lot of humor in it too, Kyle is a very good writer, and he can make very serious situations seem very light-hearted.
I would recommend this book to anyone really. I don't think it is just for guys, because I really am enjoying it. If you absolutely do not like reading anything about the military, then you would not like this book. but if you do, then this book is for you.