Monday, May 4, 2015

The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender & Reality Boy

I'm reading three different books at the moment but I chose to write about The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender because it's very different from the others. It is kind of like a historical-fiction (during WW2) fantasy. Ava Lavender is writing this book about her family tree. She starts with her great great grandma, then she eventually gets down to herself and her experiences. Ava is different from other kids because she was born with wings. Nobody knows how or why, she just was. They can't be removed because they are basically vital organs to her. She was also born with a twin brother, Henry, who was born "normal."

So far I like this book, the writing is amazing. Beautiful even. This book is making up for a recent book that I read, Reality Boy by AS King. Reality Boy is about boy who was the star of a reality show when he younger, and now he has mental issues and anger issues because of it. The book had a good message, but some of the parts were unnecessary. One second Gerald would be in class and then he would be eating ice cream with Snow White. This book was just too complicated for me, but I will try more of AS Kings writing.

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