Sunday, January 10, 2016

Why do I read?

I read because reading is awesome. I can feel like I am experiencing things that I will never experience in my life. I will never be a teenage boy going to a wizarding school, but Harry Potter sure does make me feel like I am. I absolutely love Harry Potter, it's what got me in to reading. I was only in third grade and I was obsessed. I remember the first time I read Harry Potter, I started reading them because I loved big books. Therefore, I skipped the first three. After almost finishing the fourth book, I went back and read the first ones due to the fact I had no idea what was going on.
I read because it makes me laugh. Books that make me laugh out loud are my favorite, they make me realize that I don't need Netflix or YouTube to laugh all the time. Reading gets me off my phone and computer, and my mom loves that. reading gives me a 100% valid excuse to stay in my room away from my family. Sometimes I really need to get away from them, so I read from when I wake up to when I go to bed (on weekends anyway). They say watching screens before bed is super bad for you, so now I just read for 2 hours instead.
Lastly, I read because I'm forced to. This sounds bad, but it isn't. When I am forced to read I actually have to do it... no excuses. Then that gets me back in to the "swing" of reading so to speak. Now a days it is very hard for me to want to read because I have 2 seasons of Parks And Recreation to watch on Netflix, and I will always choose that. When I am in reading mode I won't touch my computer or phone for days. I want that again, so I read to get back to that place. The place where I will read two books a week for months on end. Setting reading goals and records to break and feeling very accomplished when I achieve them. I miss that a lot, and I have to do to get that again is read!!

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