Monday, February 9, 2015

The Age of Miracles

Now I am reading The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker.  I saw this at Half-Priced Books and I picked it up because of the cover. Little did I know that is was about the world (theoretically) coming to an end!!!!!!!! It is in the POV of an eleven-year-old, but this is not a book for eleven-year-old's. This book is her take on the wolds "slowing." The slowing means that days keep getting longer and longer... longer than 24 hours. Where I am at in the book, the days are 48 hours. 24 hours of sunlight, 24 hours of darkness. The government is making the citizen live their lives on regular "clock-time" which feels like a lie to most. The tension is rising, and Julia finds out a secret that basically changes her life.
So far, I like this book. I like the authors writing style, too. Sometimes I forget that I am reading in the eyes of such a young girl. This book is also kind of a quick read. I just started it the other day and I'm almost done with it.

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