Thursday, April 28, 2016

blog #13 - review

For the past month I have been reading Don't Get Caught by Kurt Dinan. It didn't really take me a month though, it took me around a week. I really did enjoy this book, it was very very fast paced. It felt more like watching a funny movie rather than reading a book for school. One thing that made it very fast paced is the fact that there was always something going on in the plot. There were not really any mushy-gushy-lets-talk-about-life-and-stuff moments. There was never any breaks from the cool stuff that was happening in the book. The book was also very well written. It wasn't written like boring confusing literature, it was written like Max was talking directly to the reader. The humor was that of a teenage boy. It's kind of crazy how accurate it was considering a teenage boy was not writing the book.

Next, I hate cliffhangers. I really do. The fact that the book ended with "game on" infuriated me. However I also loved it at the same time. Now it's gonna be one of those books that I never forget because I will always wonder what happened. My last words will probably be "Son or daughter, find out what happened to Max Cobb and Ellie."  

blog #12 - covers

Most people say "don't judge a book by its cover" but we all do, including me. I prefer very simple covers, like very simple. The book could be completely white with a crayon on the cover and I would probably pick it up. Plain backgrounds with very few objects on them are my favorite covers because they look nice on my shelves and they don't give away any of the book. All of the details and cool stuff should be inside the book, not on the cover.

Covers I like
I have absolutely no idea what these books are about, however I want to read them. The covers are so simple and amazing.

I like a lot of book covers but I dislike even more. If there is a physical actual person on the book cover, no. The purpose of a book is to visualize the characters yourself. The book cover maker should not choose those visualizations for you. My number one pet peeve is when there is people making out on the cover. I don't want to see that in real life let alone carry around a book with it on the cover. 

These book covers are a no from me...

Thursday, April 7, 2016

blog #11 - Intro Book

The book I chose is Don't Get Caught by Kurt Dinan. I chose this book because A) my teacher wrote it and B) it just came out around a week ago and lastly C) I liked the synopsis and it sounded like a funny book. My expectations for the book are pretty good. I have read some reviews and I heard that this book is very good. I haven't heard any bad things about this book yet. As for the cover, I like it. It's not too flashy because it's pretty simple. I don't quite understand why there are cows on it but I'm assuming I will figure that out once I finish the book. I like the bright red cover a lot, it's a lot different than a lot of the books I own. I only know a little bit about the book as of right now. I have read the first chapter and I know it's going to be about pranks (probably). I also know that it is going to be humorous because that's what a lot of people (including some of my other teachers) told me. I know that it is also described as a mix of The Breakfast Club and Oceans Eleven. I haven't seen either of those movies so I don't really know what that means but I'm guessing that it's good, both of those movies are classics. I am really looking forward to read this book. I feel like it is going to read pretty fast so I will probably finish it in a few days. When I got it at Joseph Beth the cashier told me that Don't Get Caught was "getting a lot of talk around here" so I think it will be a very enjoyable book.