Monday, May 16, 2016

final book review

This month I read We All Looked Up by Tommy Wallach. This book was written in four different points of view, all in third person. This was kind of hard for me because I had to keep checking what person I was reading about. The two girl characters (Eliza and Anita) were also kind of similar so I never knew which girl was who. However, the two main character boys (Peter and Andy) are completely different. Peter is a popular, sporty jock guy. Andy is a "loser," druggie, not smart kind of kid. All of these different characters stories intertwine when they realize that there is a 2/3 chance of the entire world ending in 8 weeks. They all try to make the best of their lives just in case they actually do die. 

The best part of this book is the writing itself. Tommy Wallach is a very good writer, but not a very good story teller. I really did not enjoy the plot of this book. One of the main characters dies, and I feel like their death was completely unnecessary. After I got past that point in the book, I really did not feel like reading anymore. Someone told me this is a book for people that do not like fairy tale happy endings. I definitely believe them now. 

There also was a romance aspect to the book as well. I figured there would be because it is the end of the world and everyone is scrambling to find their "special someone" to spend it with. However I don't think those relationships were actually realistic. In real life, the popular jock would never leave his cheerleader girlfriend for the unpopular photography student who sleeps around. That is just not how it works. Peter would have stayed with his girlfriend and everyone knows that. 

Overall, this book was okay. It was not the "best philosophical book of 2015" or anything like that. The writing was not the "most beautiful writing" I have ever experienced. It was just... okay. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Summer Book Reading


I want to read this book because I have never read a poetry book before. I also heard a lot of things on Twitter about it.

I want to read this book because a friend of mine recommended it to me. I also want to read it because it has been sitting on my shelf for a few months and I haven't gotten around to reading it yet,

I want to read this book because I love the cover, I also was going to read it for a summer reading project last year but I chose Eleanor and Park instead.

I want to read this book because I heard it was a very good "summer read." It has also been sitting on my shelf for over a year.

I want to read this book because the cover matches I'll Give You the Sun and the covers look really awesome together on my shelf. I also read the plot summary and it seems like a very interesting book.