Wednesday, March 23, 2016

blog #10 - book review

This month, I read The Shining by Stephen King. To be honest, this book was okay. It was a little weird for me. There was many parts of the book where it would end mid sentence and like show the thoughts of the main character then continue the sentence. It was hard to understand at times because he would have a lot of thoughts then I would forget what I was reading. Another thing I didn't like about the book was the over usage of the F word. It was sprinkled in a lot of unnecessary places but it did definitely show his anger throughout the novel. 

One thing I did like about the book was the amount of detail. Before I even read the book, one of my teachers told me that the book has WAY more detail than the movie and she was define lay right. Stephen King is a great writer, and I really could picture what was going on in the book, better than the movie. I do think the movie was scarier than the book, mostly because of the very creepy music added. 

I think I will read more horror books in the future. I think I need a break for awhile and read some happy things, but eventually I may read some more Stephen King. Horror books can sometimes seem the same, but The Shining is definitely something that I've never read anything like it before. 

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